1.   He gave us some background information about the trial.

2.   If healing loss is sudden, and it is severe or total, the withdrawal of this background information happens instantaneously.

3.   In documentary-style demonstration material the commentary is used to provide background information.

4.   It was only to be expected that the contestants would take note of this background information, in one way or another.

5.   It was written to help students interpret the results of their fieldwork by providing the essential background information.

6.   The attorneys presented background information on the case.

7.   The knowledge of a critic is useful here for filling in relevant background information.

8.   The symbolism is complicated and relies on a great deal of background information.

9.   The Working Party has met on several occasions and a research project is under way to provide all relevant background information.

10.   There are also chapters with background information on birding and a list of species with range maps.

n. + information >>共 901
intelligence 6.50%
background 3.26%
health 2.88%
customer 1.97%
consumer 1.77%
travel 1.69%
account 1.57%
contact 1.57%
business 1.54%
government 1.54%
background + n. >>共 235
check 51.21%
music 6.61%
noise 6.23%
information 5.40%
investigation 2.13%
material 1.63%
radiation 1.46%
report 1.34%
file 0.96%
activity 0.79%
每页显示:    共 128