1.   Efficiency relates to the cost in resources of attaining objectives.

2.   The continuation of farming is not so much the objective of the Directive but the means to attain its objectives.

3.   The more uncertain and defensive you are, the more difficult it will be to attain your objectives.

4.   When their motivations are strong and their targets clear, they are capable of going to incredible lengths to attain their objectives.

5.   Controlling covers implementation of plans and the use of feedback so that objectives are attained.

6.   This will have the effect of distorting trade and militating against attaining the objectives of the SEM.

7.   And most of those interviewed said the Republicans did an effective job attaining that objective.

8.   Attaining these objectives will take time and patience, but they will certainly help eliminate any environment that will be conducive to terrorism.

9.   Espresso and biscotti for some, a bottle of single malt Scotch for others, whatever it takes to help Ettlinger attain her objective.

10.   Rather, success is achieved by establishing priorities and allocating time to attain those objectives, she says.

v. + objective >>共 160
achieve 29.91%
meet 10.55%
have 6.41%
accomplish 4.54%
reach 3.34%
set 3.20%
pursue 2.94%
attain 2.00%
define 1.87%
share 1.47%
attain + n. >>共 233
status 8.83%
goal 8.08%
rank 4.19%
peace 2.69%
level 2.69%
position 2.40%
power 2.40%
objective 2.25%
target 2.10%
enlightenment 1.80%
每页显示:    共 15