1.   And he is able to parrot the same kinds of questions that really get asked under such circumstances.

2.   As part of an officially unrelated investigation into sexual harassment, Clinton was asked under oath whether he had had sex with Lewinsky.

3.   Ask an engineer how safe a building is and the engineer is likely to ask under what circumstance.

4.   Bush was asked under what circumstances he would consider the use of American military force.

5.   Clinton was asked under oath whether he thought it was right to reward his financial supporters.

6.   I asked under my breath.

7.   On foreign affairs, Bush was asked under what circumstances he would commit troops to the Middle East.

8.   Eckhard was asked under what conditions Annan might go to Iraq.

9.   Eckhard was asked under what conditions Annan might be prepared to go to Iraq.

10.   One of the reasons we have written to them is to ask them under what sort of conditions the match was played.

v. + under >>共 914
remain 6.49%
operate 3.74%
work 2.61%
live 2.39%
bury 1.82%
be 1.46%
hide 1.44%
lie 1.44%
play 1.36%
sell 1.33%
ask 0.04%
ask + p. >>共 69
about 70.10%
in 9.93%
at 4.27%
on 3.84%
by 2.65%
during 1.80%
with 1.24%
before 0.73%
as 0.67%
around 0.63%
under 0.13%
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