ask about 378.48   Did you ask about the price?
  ask in 53.59   Ask me in five years.
  ask at 23.04   Ask them at Hemmings.
  ask on 20.74   I asked on a hunch.
  ask by 14.29   -- asked by a female voice.
  ask during 9.74   Rabner asked during the hearing.
  ask with 6.71   I ask with a grin.
  ask before 3.95   I ask just before leaving.
  ask as 3.62   I ask as the class giggles.
  ask around 3.42   Ask around town this week.
  ask from 3.42   From asked.
  ask out_of 2.24   He asked out of practice.
  ask over 1.97   Dixit asked over his shoulder.
  ask through 1.65   I ask through the steam.
  ask out 1.18   Guess who asked out Nick.
  ask outside 0.99   Shaw asked outside the court.
  ask under 0.72   I asked under my breath.
  ask since 0.59   Here are some questions people have been asking since time immemorial.
  ask than 0.46   What better tribute could a mother ask than a eulogy by her eldest child?
  ask upon 0.46   Depends upon whom you ask.
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