1.   An arbitrator determined there had been no wrongdoing.

2.   An arbitrator determined after a three-day hearing that the allegation was unfounded.

3.   He has said that his fee will be determined by arbitrators.

4.   At the end of that period, arbitrators will determine whether Brcko should remain in Serb hands or be turned over to the Muslim-Croat federation.

n. + determine >>共 918
investigator 5.75%
official 5.32%
doctor 3.98%
authority 2.99%
police 2.52%
test 2.50%
court 2.05%
investigation 2.00%
judge 1.98%
expert 1.46%
arbitrator 0.09%
arbitrator + v. >>共 92
be 11.30%
rule 10.63%
decide 7.97%
hear 4.65%
have 4.65%
order 3.99%
find 3.99%
make 3.32%
award 3.32%
say 2.99%
determine 1.33%
每页显示:    共 4