1.   Experienced specialist arbitrators are ideally suited to hear many more cases involving disputes over haulage contracts.

2.   An arbitrator is a person who is appointed to resolve a formulated dispute between the parties.

3.   These arbitrators are experts in the non-legal sense of the word, and they do not perform a judicial function.

4.   But the arbitrator is sufficiently expert to enable him to decide just by inspection of the goods in dispute.

5.   An arbitrator is immune from suit, both by statute and at common law.

6.   Although the union would like to have the suspension overturned altogether, it would likely consider it a victory if the arbitrator were to reduce the suspension.

7.   Although many arbitrators are former judges, they are rarely required to follow the law.

8.   An arbitrator is a final decision maker accepted by both sides in a dispute.

9.   An arbitrator is a volunteer with at least five years experience as a practicing lawyer.

10.   And whatever the affiliations of its directors or members, she explained, arbitrators are largely independent from the organization and usually selected from panels by the parties themselves.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
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company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
arbitrator 0%
arbitrator + v. >>共 92
be 11.30%
rule 10.63%
decide 7.97%
hear 4.65%
have 4.65%
order 3.99%
find 3.99%
make 3.32%
award 3.32%
say 2.99%
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