1.   As is his nature, Pitman applied his philosophy on banking to these purchases.

2.   Different philosophies are applied to similar activities.

3.   Even Alexander seems unsure of how to apply this philosophy to standard political questions.

4.   Now several neighborhoods, while not duplicating the Atlanta Project, are applying that philosophy.

5.   The same philosophy was applied to the Haskell following the Coaching Club.

6.   The trouble, the critics say, is that this philosophy is not applied consistently.

7.   In later life he applied his philosophy to practical problems, including those of bioethics.

v. + philosophy >>共 199
study 7.46%
have 5.54%
teach 4.78%
change 4.59%
share 4.02%
follow 3.25%
reflect 2.49%
espouse 2.29%
embrace 2.10%
take 2.10%
apply 1.34%
apply + n. >>共 947
pressure 11.38%
law 5.26%
coat 3.29%
rule 2.55%
standard 2.33%
sanction 2.26%
brake 2.15%
principle 1.93%
technology 1.37%
makeup 1.32%
philosophy 0.16%
每页显示:    共 7