1.   As a member of the UN Security Council, Yemen officially announced its intention to apply UN sanctions against Iraq.

2.   Thus, national courts should search within their national legal system and apply the sanction which satisfies best the requirements of Community law.

3.   The US has signalled that it may apply trade sanctions against Taiwan and China, because of the trade in rhino horns and tiger bones for medicinal purposes.

4.   All this followed his decision not to apply sanctions against Russia and France for providing the money to develop an Iranian gas field.

5.   Analysts, however, say that if sanctions are applied, they would likely only include the removal of some preferential trade agreements, such as one on flowers.

6.   At the same time, the Commerce Department argued Monday against fully applying economic sanctions against Pakistan, which said it conducted six nuclear tests last week.

7.   All the more reason why those countries, notably but not only Britain, that have shamefully refused to apply sanctions to India should think again.

8.   But the details of the contract will have to be studied before the United States can decide if sanctions should be applied, he said.

9.   By law, the U.S. government must apply trade sanctions against countries using the banned nets.

10.   Concern is growing that the U.S. could follow its measures by applying trade sanctions on Colombian imports, which would be crippling to Colombia.

v. + sanction >>共 408
impose 20.74%
lift 19.12%
ease 3.81%
face 3.39%
threaten 3.22%
maintain 2.17%
suspend 2.14%
end 1.85%
violate 1.52%
consider 1.50%
apply 1.29%
apply + n. >>共 947
pressure 11.38%
law 5.26%
coat 3.29%
rule 2.55%
standard 2.33%
sanction 2.26%
brake 2.15%
principle 1.93%
technology 1.37%
makeup 1.32%
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