1.   He likes to eat out, or listen to concerts, or attend antiques fairs.

2.   In May you can visit its arts festival, and in September, it plays host to a famous antiques fair.

3.   For the Eskenazis, who do not participate in antiques fairs, the show is the first away from their London gallery.

4.   She regularly takes a booth at the Biennale des Antiquaires, a large antiques fair in Paris held every other September.

n. + fair >>共 138
trade 20.16%
job 15.81%
book 9.46%
art 4.19%
craft 3.10%
science 2.95%
college 2.48%
health 2.48%
country 2.17%
career 2.02%
antique 0.62%
antique + n. >>共 42
dealer 27.36%
shop 22.49%
store 16.41%
show 4.26%
business 3.04%
market 2.43%
mall 2.43%
collector 2.13%
trade 1.82%
expert 1.52%
fair 1.22%
每页显示:    共 4