antique dealer 5.92   Axel Vervoordt is not like most antiques dealers.
  antique shop 4.87   Later they opened an antiques shop.
  antique store 3.55   Antiques stores abound in the region.
  antique show 0.92   There was an antiques show.
  antique business 0.66   The antiques business looked slack.
  antique mall 0.53   She spotted the radio among a sea of books at an antiques mall.
  antique market 0.53   Interest in pugs is evident at all levels of the antiques market.
  antique collector 0.46   And they are also why every serious American antiques collector is in New York now.
  antique trade 0.39   If any two people were destined to go into the antiques trade, these twins were.
  antique expert 0.33   The antiques expert was almost at a loss for words.
  antique world 0.33   With a kind of viral cuteness, Beanie Babies have invaded the antiques world.
  antique fair 0.26   He likes to eat out, or listen to concerts, or attend antiques fairs.
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