1.   Annual vines can provide a quick and graceful cover-up, with the bonus of seasonlong blooms.

2.   A large selection of sunflowers and annual vines are among their top sellers.

3.   Even annual vines like morning glories and moonflower often get killed by frost before their show peaks.

4.   Fragrant annual sweet peas, which like many annual vines are back in vogue, should be grown from seed planted outdoors in April.

5.   Its genus includes six species of annual vines, all of them tropical plants that climb with the aid of tendrils.

6.   There are compact annual vines that can be grown in a row along a fence, as you would morning glories, or in hanging baskets or window boxes.

7.   With an annual vine with tendrils, like moonflowers, make sure the support lends itself to easy removal of the vine after it dies.

a. + vine >>共 181
grape 8.60%
old 7.74%
young 2.29%
annual 2.01%
climbing 1.72%
thick 1.72%
new 1.72%
dead 1.72%
evergreen 1.43%
fast-growing 1.43%
annual + n. >>共 753
meeting 11.28%
report 5.49%
event 2.50%
conference 2.43%
budget 2.10%
pilgrimage 2.07%
summit 1.94%
convention 1.66%
fee 1.18%
review 1.07%
vine 0.06%
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