1.   The announcement has left shareholders nursing huge losses.

2.   And the announcement left some commissioners reeling, at least privately, about the prospect of digging still deeper into already strained agency budgets.

3.   But the announcement leaves unanswered a number of questions, which are sure to absorb the country until they are resolved.

4.   But the announcement on Monday left many unanswered questions.

5.   But others warn that the Bush announcement also leaves a lot of uncertainty about what types of stem-cell therapeutics might be approved for human use.

6.   His announcement left about three weeks for candidates to file for the seat.

7.   His announcement Wednesday left little doubt that McCaw would be calling the shots at Nextel, dangling his money as a carrot to get what he wants.

8.   That announcement effectively left mechanical failure as the only plausible explanation.

9.   The announcement leaves Democratic Party leaders scrambling to see if any other well-known figures might be interested.

10.   The announcement left startled passengers milling on the platforms.

n. + leave >>共 1210
people 1.89%
troop 1.63%
team 1.57%
man 1.35%
player 0.92%
plane 0.90%
family 0.86%
result 0.78%
force 0.74%
official 0.74%
announcement 0.13%
announcement + v. >>共 383
come 30.69%
be 17.71%
say 6.17%
follow 5.40%
end 1.39%
mark 1.34%
give 1.13%
send 1.06%
prompt 1.04%
have 1.02%
leave 0.62%
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