1.   A high sprain occurs when the ankle rolls outward and the inside of the foot hits the ground.

2.   A low sprain occurs when the ankle rolls inward and the outside of the foot almost touches the ground.

3.   The ankle rolled over, causing him too much pain to continue after the first intermission.

4.   The ankle never rolled.

n. + roll >>共 954
ball 6.49%
tank 3.43%
camera 3.26%
head 3.13%
car 2.56%
vehicle 2.00%
company 1.93%
time 1.86%
eye 1.80%
tear 1.80%
ankle 0.13%
ankle + v. >>共 91
be 22.38%
feel 6.29%
heal 5.59%
swell 3.50%
bother 2.80%
hurt 2.45%
give 2.45%
sideline 2.10%
improve 2.10%
put 2.10%
roll 1.40%
每页显示:    共 4