ball roll 12.84   The ball rolled.
  tank roll 6.78   Tanks rolled into Moscow.
  camera roll 6.45   Cameras rolled.
  head roll 6.19   Heads rolled.
  car roll 5.07   The car rolled slowly to a stop.
  vehicle roll 3.95   The vehicle rolled into a dry gravel pit.
  company roll 3.82   Both companies are rolling out new drinks.
  time roll 3.69   Time rolled on.
  eye roll 3.55   Eyes rolled.
  tear roll 3.55   Tears rolled down her face.
  truck roll 3.29   A truck rolled by.
  train roll 2.24   The train is rolling ahead, however.
  fog roll 2.11   Fog rolled in.
  bus roll 2.04   The bus rolled on.
  credit roll 2.04   They drive off, and the credits roll.
  plane roll 1.97   So the plane rolls right.
  troop roll 1.84   Troops rolled by them on armored vehicles.
  man roll 1.71   Men roll their eyes.
  money roll 1.58   The money rolls in.
  team roll 1.45   The team was rolling.
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