1.   Particularly bad contamination with copper can arise from the use of ammonia solutions in vessels exposed to the air.

2.   ...carbonate of ammonia solution.

3.   It is important to neutralize the ammonia solution.

4.   Jewelry cleaning liquids, which are basically variations of an ammonia solution, can be used to soak first, then clean with a brush.

5.   The materials in question included pesticides, perfume, industrial cleaning fluids, aerosols, paint, ammonia solutions and adhesives.

6.   Try an ammonia solution in cool water for blood.

7.   You could try stripping the wax by applying llberal amounts of paint thinner or a strong ammonia solution.

8.   Workers can decontaminate themselves with antibacterial soap and clean their equipment with an ammonia solution.

n. + solution >>共 381
compromise 9.20%
bleach 5.15%
software 3.07%
two-state 2.19%
high-tech 2.08%
business 1.97%
government 1.64%
water 1.42%
term 1.42%
stopgap 1.42%
ammonia 0.88%
ammonia + n. >>共 47
plant 10.91%
tank 8.18%
solution 7.27%
level 6.36%
production 6.36%
leak 4.55%
fume 4.55%
gas 4.55%
coolant 3.64%
cloud 2.73%
每页显示:    共 8