1.   There are also free sessions of carpet bowls every Monday and Thursday.

2.   American motorists are also free to do whatever it takes to discourage state and federal governments from raising gas taxes whenever they need an expedient budget fix.

3.   And in Massachusetts, tetanus and diphteria shots are also free.

4.   Both Nike and Reebok have offered to supply not only complete uniforms, but also free computers to schools that agree to sign on the dotted line.

5.   Also free and first rate is the Williams College Museum of Art.

6.   All fine and good, but Pax Net is also free of quality.

7.   But he noted the divisions are also free to contract with outside companies to develop Web pages.

8.   But there is also free material from a variety of sources and an extensive index of material from America Online.

9.   Camping is also free at the hike-in environmental sites at Point Reyes National Seashore.

10.   Furman, a court sergeant who supervises officers in charge of security for the New York state Supreme Court, is also free on his own recognizance.

d. + free >>共 249
not 10.41%
now 7.57%
more 5.76%
relatively 5.52%
largely 3.22%
still 3.03%
also 2.98%
virtually 2.78%
as 2.74%
completely 2.44%
also + a. >>共 1203
available 3.27%
likely 2.89%
due 2.68%
present 2.63%
concerned 2.03%
important 2.02%
involved 2.01%
possible 1.66%
interested 1.11%
worried 1.00%
free 0.23%
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