1.   At the doctrinal level there are also important differences.

2.   Field studies were also important for early efforts to monitor the environment, an area with which governments were increasingly concerned.

3.   Finding a niche is also important as many of the big electronics companies have frozen recruitment while they weather the recession.

4.   For the same reason, it is also important to include a variety of drinking settings.

5.   In addition to monitoring specific diseases and syndromes, gathering information about the numerous factors that affect disease emergence is also important.

d. + important >>共 137
most 31.57%
more 24.01%
as 6.23%
very 6.12%
so 2.75%
how 2.72%
also 2.53%
less 2.50%
especially 2.23%
equally 2.09%
also + a. >>共 1203
available 3.27%
likely 2.89%
due 2.68%
present 2.63%
concerned 2.03%
important 2.02%
involved 2.01%
possible 1.66%
interested 1.11%
worried 1.00%
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