1.   Advocates argue that the absence of burdensome regulatory restrictions would stimulate new business activity.

2.   Employee advocates argue that the policies are an insidious way for companies to take away statutory rights that Congress granted workers.

3.   As a result, many advocates argue, the lack of prescription drug coverage raises important questions of equity.

4.   Abortion-rights advocates argue that the bill means even a grandparent could not accompany a young woman who decided to have an abortion.

5.   Advocates argue that the LIFE Act benefits the government as well as the immigrants.

6.   Advocates argue the law is needed to protect historically Russian faiths from the foreign religious groups that have begun operating freely since the fall of communism.

7.   Advocates of openness argue that telling children the truth early, as is increasingly the practice with adoptees, helps them incorporate the information into their sense of identity.

8.   Advocates of segregation argue that adolescents are too distracted by the opposite sex to concentrate on their lessons and would perform better without the physical proximity.

9.   Advocates also argue that the bullets are safer for bystanders.

10.   Advocates argue against outright prohibition, maintaining that people who want the stuff will find it anyway, or can make their own homemade versions with unpredictable results.

n. + argue >>共 987
official 5.99%
lawyer 5.77%
critic 4.61%
opponent 3.44%
government 3.36%
prosecutor 3.23%
company 2.91%
defense 2.20%
group 2.11%
supporter 2.03%
advocate 1.24%
advocate + v. >>共 427
say 35.09%
be 6.21%
argue 3.16%
contend 1.79%
want 1.59%
criticize 1.54%
hope 1.51%
call 1.48%
have 1.34%
complain 1.31%
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