1.   Although they would not reveal details, the lawmakers said they agreed that the case against Osama bin Laden is as compelling as the administration contends.

2.   And you should pay taxes, the administration contends.

3.   But the administration contends that the student group does not have authority to turn over the operation to a third party.

4.   But the Clinton administration contends that tougher laws are needed to ensure the growth and vitality of media companies, an important part of the economy.

5.   Inevitably, the administration will contend that the credibility of the United States is threatened.

6.   More than half of that gap has been due to automobiles and parts, and the Clinton administration contends that unfair trading practices are to blame.

7.   Most teachers try to balance the two approaches, but the Bush administration has contended that the balance has shifted too greatly away from phonics.

8.   The administration contends that its plan is balanced and will help both the poor and the middle class.

9.   The administration contends that merely by labeling him in this way, it can hold him indefinitely.

10.   The administration contends that the deal is good for both the environment and the economy.

n. + contend >>共 627
critic 8.29%
official 6.96%
prosecutor 5.29%
government 4.73%
lawyer 2.89%
group 2.73%
company 2.47%
defense 2.42%
suit 2.27%
opponent 2.09%
administration 1.56%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
contend 0.40%
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