1.   Add enough stock to cover rabbit barely.

2.   If mixture is too dry, add a little stock to keep it moist.

3.   If stew is too thick, add chicken stock as needed for desired consistency.

4.   When flame dies out, add stock and reduce quickly over high heat to a light sauce consistency.

5.   Biotech is doing its bit to add more stock to the market.

6.   Bose has a list of current recommendations, but new stocks are added only occasionally.

7.   A year later, it is time to reduce the bond weighting and add some stocks.

8.   Add beef stock, bring to a rolling boil and reduce heat to simmer.

9.   Add beef stock, tomatoes, okra, salt, thyme, cayenne pepper, oregano and bay leaf.

10.   Add chicken stock, increase heat to high and bring to a boil.

v. + stock >>共 471
buy 11.04%
sell 10.66%
mix 9.40%
change 3.19%
own 2.67%
take 2.25%
hurt 2.17%
trade 2.07%
send 1.87%
boost 1.69%
add 0.95%
add + n. >>共 1277
water 1.80%
run 1.20%
goal 1.15%
oil 1.04%
sugar 0.96%
assist 0.93%
voice 0.90%
name 0.86%
job 0.83%
salt 0.83%
stock 0.56%
每页显示:    共 123