1.   Fine old paintings, Marble columns and period furnishings add charm.

2.   My Hatchets have always been healthy and add charm to the upper layer of the water.

3.   Today their lovely parklands and orange trees remain, a medieval quarter adds charm and the modern seafront surrounds the glimmering bay.

4.   The new curtains add charm to the room.

5.   But a mortarless stone wall can add rustic charm to any estate.

6.   Granted, this ban would horrify those who think street preachers and performers add charm to Times Square.

7.   Not to say River Falls is quaint, but if you added any more charm it would be a Saturday Evening Post cover.

8.   Shopping centers have replaced the barns and fields that once added such charm to the area.

9.   Glamorous dancers from countries around the world, such as Sweden, South Africa, England and Australia, will add charm and colour to the show.

10.   Refreshing to tired eyes, a well-kept lawn adds charm to a garden, with its uninterrupted sweep of green.

v. + charm >>共 113
have 28.18%
lose 8.01%
work 3.59%
use 3.59%
add 3.04%
retain 3.04%
ooze 2.49%
exude 2.49%
bring 2.21%
offer 1.66%
add + n. >>共 1277
water 1.80%
run 1.20%
goal 1.15%
oil 1.04%
sugar 0.96%
assist 0.93%
voice 0.90%
name 0.86%
job 0.83%
salt 0.83%
charm 0.05%
每页显示:    共 11