1.   Compounds containing aspirin or acetaminophen with or without codeine and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are useful for pain control during the acute phase.

2.   The increased rate of liver protein synthesis may therefore be explained, in part, by an increased synthesis of the acute phase reactants.

3.   The acute phase response also involves changes in the plasma concentrations of a number of liver synthesised proteins.

4.   The alternative approach of accurately quantitating a single rapidly responding acute phase protein such as CRP has much to commend it.

5.   Similarly, there are mild disturbances only of acute phase reactants in chronic viral hepatitis.

6.   In requesting an estimate of the circulating CRP concentration, the clinician is seeking objective evidence that the body has initiated an acute phase response.

7.   It is being used in the acute phase of a tendon injury and it seems to reduce inflammation and reduce the detrimental effects of swelling after an injury.

8.   Historically, many people newly infected with AIDS suffer through the acute phase of the illness thinking they have the flu.

a. + phase >>共 521
first 17.56%
second 15.39%
next 9.10%
new 6.39%
final 6.00%
third 2.76%
initial 2.07%
early 1.51%
sentencing 1.48%
critical 1.26%
acute 0.53%
acute + n. >>共 352
shortage 8.60%
leukemia 3.49%
infection 3.24%
food 3.24%
pain 3.12%
problem 2.99%
failure 2.49%
sense 2.49%
disease 1.93%
pancreatitis 1.93%
phase 1.18%
每页显示:    共 19