first phase 41.41   Five patients were implanted in the first phase.
  second phase 36.27   This new phase is A saturated with B.
  next phase 21.46   Plan to practice the next phase on land.
  new phase 15.08   Anything to jump-start a new phase.
  final phase 14.15   The plot had entered its final phase.
  third phase 6.52   The third phase ends Wednesday.
  initial phase 4.87   Studies are in their initial phase.
  early phase 3.55   The interception program is still in an early phase.
  sentencing phase 3.49   Sentencing phase is underway.
  critical phase 2.96   The peace process is at a critical phase.
  current phase 2.76   The current phase expires tomorrow.
  last phase 2.70   The last phase, the toughest, was on foot or mules.
  latest phase 2.44   Voting in latest phase of parliamentary elections.
  different phase 1.84   I go through different phases all the time.
  later phase 1.71   Effectiveness would be evaluated in later phases.
  testing phase 1.58   This testing phase will last two years.
  opening phase 1.51   It also faces Paraguay and South Africa in the opening phase.
  crucial phase 1.38   A three-month drought at a crucial phase of the growing season is mainly to blame.
  acute phase 1.25   But the agency remains convinced the acute phase of the epidemic is over.
  earlier phase 1.18   Four were acquitted during earlier phases of the trial.
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