1.   And, Jackson found, the actions harmed consumers.

2.   Bluffing bluster only diminishes U.S. credibility and influence, and futile action would harm many U.S. interests.

3.   Clinton disputed contentions from critics that major environment actions harm the economy.

4.   Officials said sanctions would be a last-resort, however, because U.S. insurance companies fear that such action would harm their existing business operations in Japan.

5.   The Canadians say these actions have harmed an already weakening economy, forced mills to close and wiped out thousands of jobs, especially in British Columbia.

6.   Whether the actions harmed consumers or had any effect whatsoever is irrelevant.

7.   Cathay said the latest action has not harmed its revenues.

8.   Experts have expressed concern that such actions could harm the water sources that feed the center of Israel and Jerusalem as well as the West Bank.

9.   Schmid has apologized to shareholders for that, but said his actions did not harm Mobilcom.

10.   But Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri said the report proved Israel deliberately targetted the refugee-packed camp, and its actions would harm the Middle East peace process.

n. + harm >>共 453
move 1.53%
action 1.41%
decision 1.28%
attack 1.28%
import 1.15%
test 1.15%
chemical 1.02%
rebel 1.02%
sanction 1.02%
project 1.02%
action + v. >>共 799
be 28.76%
come 3.91%
have 2.30%
follow 2.03%
take 1.76%
prevent 1.57%
stop 1.28%
make 1.07%
lead 1.05%
help 1.03%
harm 0.15%
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