1.   If state officials perform a particular action, the elite must have had a goal which that action helps.

2.   This action will help to push the prices up even more.

3.   -- Take some action to help or respond to someone else.

4.   All these actions will help reduce the incidence of harassment at work.

5.   But by then, his actions had helped to mold an image of the Islamic takeover as unremittingly vengeful and violent.

6.   His actions have helped relieve the widespread despair over a government that has appeared paralyzed.

7.   If anything, his actions helped integrate the football team and athletic department to more acceptable levels, as well as humanize coach-player relations.

8.   In the long term, the action could help put the country on the road to recovery, economists said.

9.   Japanese bonds declined for a fifth day on investor concern the government will take further action to help the ailing economy.

10.   Mitsuzuka told reporters the Finance Ministry and Bank of Japan will take action to help the bank recover from the burden of bad loans.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
company 0.83%
group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
action 0.30%
action + v. >>共 799
be 28.76%
come 3.91%
have 2.30%
follow 2.03%
take 1.76%
prevent 1.57%
stop 1.28%
make 1.07%
lead 1.05%
help 1.03%
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