1.   GM has demanded as conditions for any settlement that VW sever all ties to Lopez, acknowledge wrongful conduct and accept responsibility to remedy the wrongdoing.

2.   GM reiterated today that it wants VW to acknowledge wrongful conduct and to compensate it for damages.

3.   The President has acknowledged conduct with Ms. Lewinsky that was improper.

4.   An out-of-court resolution would only be possible if VW leadership acknowledges wrongful conduct, dismisses Lopez and his collaborators and pays damages, the statement said.

v. + conduct >>共 171
govern 9.36%
defend 3.69%
involve 3.45%
regulate 3.20%
investigate 2.96%
regard 2.71%
criticize 2.22%
explain 1.97%
improve 1.72%
include 1.72%
acknowledge 0.99%
acknowledge + n. >>共 914
problem 6.11%
need 2.71%
existence 2.23%
difficulty 2.20%
responsibility 1.87%
mistake 1.81%
concern 1.65%
presence 1.28%
possibility 1.23%
role 1.17%
conduct 0.11%
每页显示:    共 4