acknowledge problem 14.42   He acknowledged the problems.
  acknowledge need 6.39   This need is not acknowledged by Botta.
  acknowledge existence 5.27   Weber acknowledged their existence but did not discuss them.
  acknowledge difficulty 5.20   Carol acknowledges the difficulties.
  acknowledge responsibility 4.41   The responsibility is seldom acknowledged.
  acknowledge mistake 4.28   He also acknowledges mistakes.
  acknowledge concern 3.88   Yam acknowledged that concern.
  acknowledge presence 3.03   He acknowledged my presence with a quick wave.
  acknowledge possibility 2.90   Young acknowledges that possibility, too.
  acknowledge role 2.76   He also has acknowledged his role.
  acknowledge error 2.70   The speaker acknowledges the error.
  acknowledge receipt 2.57   Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
  acknowledge wrongdoing 2.57   Arpaio did not acknowledge any wrongdoing.
  acknowledge difference 2.30   Otterson acknowledged the differences.
  acknowledge fact 2.24   Even Cohen acknowledges those facts.
  acknowledge risk 2.24   He acknowledged the risk.
  acknowledge cheer 2.11   Belfour did not acknowledge the cheers.
  acknowledge importance 2.04   Let us acknowledge our importance to one another.
  acknowledge loss 1.97   But a few families did acknowledge their losses.
  acknowledge debt 1.84   Durand acknowledges his debt to the ancients.
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