1.   In conclusion, the combination of cisapride with ranitidine leads to a considerable and additional reduction in oesophageal acid exposure compared with that achieved by ranitidine alone.

2.   Oesophageal acid exposure was similar in patients with or without complications.

3.   CLO develops in a background of severe reflux and continous acid exposure of the ulcerated lower oesophagus as shown in animal models.

4.   The prolonged oesophageal acid exposure seen in patients with hiatus hernia is because of reduced acid clearance but it is only seen in patients with lower oesophageal sphincter deficiency.

5.   Again, there is a significant difference between the curves of mucosal resistance after saline and after mild acid exposure.

6.   Oesophageal sensitivity to acid was preserved in patients with impaired peristalsis and oesophagitis.

7.   Reflux symptoms lasted longer in patients with prolonged oesophageal acid exposure but were still reported for a small fraction of the total acid exposure time.

8.   We proposed that acid clearance time would be delayed in patients with impaired peristalsis and that the delay in clearance would be correlated with acid exposure time.

9.   Acid clearance time was significantly correlated to acid exposure time.

10.   Symptoms during overnight pH monitoring lasted longer in patients with prolonged oesophageal acid exposure.

a. + exposure >>共 478
national 4.16%
prolonged 3.22%
first 2.87%
public 2.52%
international 2.47%
long-term 2.33%
possible 2.13%
long 1.93%
maximum 1.93%
greater 1.73%
acid 0.54%
acid + n. >>共 206
secretion 17.59%
reflux 6.23%
output 4.85%
attack 2.91%
clearance 2.63%
jazz 2.22%
battery 2.08%
level 1.94%
solution 1.80%
trip 1.80%
exposure 1.52%
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