81.   The military judge who will decide the case scheduled closing arguments for this morning after defense attorneys ended their case Friday.

82.   Defense arguments are scheduled Wednesday.

83.   Panomblayan said the producers should wait until the court, which scheduled oral arguments next week, issued a verdict.

v. + argument >>共 517
hear 16.07%
reject 10.20%
make 7.92%
have 3.36%
present 3.03%
dismiss 2.58%
support 1.87%
close 1.85%
accept 1.79%
win 1.79%
schedule 1.79%
schedule + n. >>共 726
meeting 10.76%
hearing 9.92%
talk 5.17%
vote 4.28%
game 3.50%
election 3.44%
service 2.03%
funeral 2.01%
session 1.80%
trial 1.67%
argument 1.24%
每页显示:    共 82