81.   The last two weeks have been wondrous for Lewis Katz, the principal owner of the Nets.

82.   The Mariners have been reluctant to add to their payroll, but Irabu would be a natural fit for them because their principal owner is Japanese.

83.   The New York Yankees principal owner asked Piniella to stay with the team as a coach, with the promise that he could become manager one day.

84.   The principal owner was searching for the general manager.

85.   The principal owner, Daniel Snyder, tried to hire Spurrier last year and might try again.

86.   The principal owner may be willing to double his salary to keep him entrenched in the Yankee dugout.

87.   The principal owner thinks the Yankees are on a lifetime scholarship for tuition, room, board, books and stadiums.

88.   The principal owners of First American, Jack Mills and his wife, Margie Mills, are serving prison sentences for Medicare fraud.

89.   The principal owners were Vadim Rabinovich and Boris Fuchsmann, well known around Kiev for their influence and wealth.

90.   The revamped hierarchy includes principal owner Andy Evans, chairman Roberto Muller and chief executive Jack Long.

a. + owner >>共 912
new 18.61%
former 5.61%
pet 4.78%
previous 3.05%
original 2.69%
building 2.60%
current 2.44%
rightful 2.42%
private 2.30%
principal 2.09%
principal + n. >>共 822
owner 3.75%
payment 2.00%
source 1.94%
reason 1.78%
character 1.50%
investigator 1.38%
guest 1.31%
cause 1.22%
dancer 1.22%
author 1.10%
每页显示:    共 119