81.   By the end of last week, polls indicated that she had closed the gap.

82.   Chervinsky said the poll indicates that independents, who often have been a decisive factor in party contests, are shying away from voting in either primary.

83.   Crime and unemployment are up, wages are down, and polls indicate that a growing number of Argentines think their politicians are stealing fortunes.

84.   Defense attorneys are particularly interested in moving the case to the central district, where a telephone poll indicated that potential jurors are more sympathetic to the brothers.

85.   Despite the uncertainties surrounding the anthrax scare, a new Newsweek poll indicated that the public already has strong suspicions.

86.   Do the polls indicate a knee-jerk reaction of an outraged public?

87.   Dole campaigned in Montgomery, trying to preserve what polls indicate is a narrow GOP lead in Alabama.

88.   Dole campaigned in Montgomery, trying to preserve what the polls indicate is a narrow GOP lead in Alabama.

89.   Early polls indicate that it will pass.

90.   Early polls indicate that most analysts look for a rise in the jobless rate.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
poll + v. >>共 355
show 41.06%
indicate 9.37%
be 7.27%
suggest 6.70%
find 4.71%
have 3.13%
say 2.87%
give 2.19%
close 2.09%
predict 1.19%
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