71.   The two plan to marry sometime next year.

72.   The two planned to escort Abu Khatla into Gaza, the sources said.

73.   The two planned to get to know each other during the flight, Nicklaus said in a statement.

74.   The two had been planning for several months to steal weapons, desert the army and join a criminal group in Moscow, Alyokhin said.

75.   The two had planned to meet at Neharayim, the site of an attack this past March where seven Israeli school girls were killed by a Jordanian soldier.

76.   The two plan to meet again in December in Washington.

77.   The two plan to meet in March.

78.   The two plan to settle the estate Monday, but White said the first priority is seeing her brother.

79.   The two planned to fly to the region Sunday.

80.   The two planned to meet Thursday evening.

n. + plan >>共 778
company 13.03%
government 9.01%
group 4.23%
official 4.06%
authority 1.79%
leader 1.51%
team 1.28%
police 1.18%
agency 1.16%
president 1.13%
two 0.57%
two + v. >>共 635
be 20.13%
meet 5.33%
have 5.18%
discuss 2.01%
go 1.94%
agree 1.72%
become 1.37%
say 1.31%
talk 1.21%
speak 1.14%
plan 0.80%
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