71.   A tender offer must be for cash whereas a partial offer may be for securities of the offeror.

72.   At least there she would have the privacy of her own room and the security of other people around.

73.   It felt so good to be held close, to feel the warm security of his arms around her.

74.   Massive volatility of income combined with total security of principle is, in the long term, more traumatic than the reverse.

75.   The major criticisms are poor security of doors and windows, unsightly general appearance, lack of parking areas and proper recreational space.

76.   Grand Met maintains the leases give landlords better security of tenure and more control over their pubs.

77.   But Grand Met says the leases give greater security of tenure and mean landlords will have greater control over the running of their pubs.

78.   Unita agreed to accept UN measures to guarantee the safety and security of its delegation to the new round of talks, the Portuguese news agency Lusa said.

79.   The Bank will either rediscount some of the bills or make loans against the security of such bills.

80.   Reliability and security of supply, with advance warning of potential supply disruption or shortage is the third criterion.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
security 0.04%
security + p. >>共 102
in 18.55%
for 15.43%
at 15.40%
of 13.65%
around 5.40%
to 4.12%
on 3.64%
with 2.51%
as 2.45%
by 1.88%
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