71.   Production began seven months ago, a joint effort by French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese companies.

72.   Recommissioning of the plant will take place in November and production will begin in December.

73.   The stage production will begin a pre-Broadway tour in Baltimore in January before moving to Toronto, Ontario, and Boston.

74.   Thereafter, full-rate production would begin.

75.   Then, in August, production began.

76.   Under a buyback contract, foreign companies cannot own equity in a project, but are repaid for their investment once production begins.

77.   Commercial production will begin in June.

78.   Construction should get underway later this year and production could begin in the second half of next year, said Can-Pack Poland President Stanislaw Wasko.

79.   Deinekin said production would not begin for several years.

80.   E-blk production will begin in the old factory in July.

n. + begin >>共 1326
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game 0.72%
production 0.15%
production + v. >>共 496
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drop 1.66%
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