71.   As the days go by, the picture does not look too good for Clinton.

72.   Buying in high-tech blue chip stocks helped the advance although the picture looked mixed in bank and retailer shares.

73.   FROM the glass towers of the White House and International Monetary Fund headquarters in Washington, the picture looks innocent enough.

74.   So working people are turned into yet another product, cut back just to be on the safe side when the economic picture is looking bad.

75.   The picture looks all too familiar, even in regions suffering from malnutrition.

76.   Today, the pictures look far different.

77.   While the first-quarter picture looks generally good, analysts expect corporate earnings growth to continue to narrow throughout the year.

78.   What does the big picture look like?

79.   For West Indies, the picture suddenly looks rosy again.

80.   Blue Mountains local council spokesman Matthew Howe said the overall picture was looking positive.

n. + look >>共 1193
company 3.25%
people 2.37%
investor 2.18%
police 1.83%
thing 1.82%
investigator 1.67%
team 1.47%
official 1.37%
government 1.19%
future 1.07%
picture 0.38%
picture + v. >>共 451
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show 9.62%
include 2.70%
emerge 2.27%
look 2.22%
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have 1.89%
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come 1.84%
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