picture be 94.21   Where is this picture then?
  picture show 23.44   This picture shows the girl in profile.
  picture include 6.58   Pictures will include Versace.
  picture emerge 5.53   And so a picture emerges.
  picture look 5.40   The pictures look great!
  picture appear 5.00   His picture appeared in newspapers.
  picture have 4.61   Long has pictures.
  picture change 4.54   That picture is changing.
  picture come 4.48   The pictures came down.
  picture become 4.28   The pictures became her inspiration.
  picture indicate 2.70   Did some pictures indicate water or plentiful game?
  picture get 2.50   The picture gets even weirder.
  picture hang 2.30   Religious pictures hang on walls.
  picture make 2.30   Great pictures make one think.
  picture begin 2.17   Finally, pictures began to appear.
  picture remain 2.11   But those pictures remain astonishing.
  picture take 1.97   But the pictures take precedence.
  picture seem 1.78   His pictures only seem that way.
  picture improve 1.65   So the picture is improving.
  picture go 1.51   The pictures went out on the AP wire.
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