71.   Investigators hope to release a preliminary report on the accident early next week.

72.   Investigators hoped to make additional arrests in coming weeks and were not willing to discuss the investigation, Focus said.

73.   Investigators now hope that a study of the wreckage will help solve the lingering mystery surrounding the cause of the disaster.

74.   Liberation said investigators hope the autopsies will determine whether those who used the rifles to kill the cult members are among the victims.

75.   Local media reported that investigators were hoping that those seized documents would shed light on the defection.

76.   Norwegian and Russian crash investigators also hoped to start work Friday.

77.   Police spokesman Claes Cassel said investigators hoped to come up with more clues in the bombing, including the type of explosives used, by next week.

78.   Searchers found the flight-data recorders in the wreckage Saturday, and Brutaru said investigators hoped to have a preliminary analysis by Monday.

79.   Spiegel said German investigators hope Kopp will now provide information on Carlos and Weinrich.

80.   Snow that covered the field a month ago has melted and investigators hope to find bits of wreckage that may have been obscured earlier, Schlamm said.

n. + hope >>共 613
official 10.90%
company 8.02%
government 5.83%
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organizer 1.91%
group 1.82%
investor 1.77%
scientist 1.66%
researcher 1.63%
investigator 0.77%
investigator + v. >>共 473
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believe 5.01%
be 4.75%
try 3.04%
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determine 1.72%
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hope 0.65%
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