official hope 85.32   Austin officials hope this trend continues.
  company hope 62.80   And companies are hoping for that.
  government hope 45.62   Or so the government hopes.
  leader hope 20.28   Roman Catholic leaders hope so.
  administration hope 14.94   The administration hopes for a U.N. vote this week.
  organizer hope 14.94   Organizers had hoped for two hours.
  group hope 14.22   Her group is hoping for a big turnout Tuesday.
  investor hope 13.89   Still, investors can hope.
  scientist hope 13.03   Or so the scientists hope.
  researcher hope 12.77   OSU researchers are hoping to recruit six more.
  team hope 11.52   Some teams hope.
  authority hope 10.40   Authorities hope to change that.
  side hope 9.35   Both sides hope this will be over soon.
  doctor hope 7.57   Doctors had hoped he would walk again.
  police hope 7.31   Boring was what police hoped for.
  country hope 6.98   Eleven EU countries hope to adopt the euro.
  agency hope 6.71   The agency hopes to send two convoys next week.
  supporter hope 6.25   Supporters hope for quick approval.
  investigator hope 6.06   Investigators hope to reach Kikwit in a few days.
  executive hope 5.79   Or so King and Showtime executives are hoping.
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