71.   He transformed his woebegone Braves into the team of the decade with less money and far less acumen than is found among Mariner bosses.

72.   Her body was found among the dead.

73.   Her research did not determine whether children whose parents remained married had any greater or lesser incidence of the problems she found among the children of divorce.

74.   How can a scroll containing Christian chapters be found among scrolls that are supposedly pre-Christian?

75.   However, no consistent beneficial effect on longevity was found among the men who pursued only nonvigorous activities like golf.

76.   I did not expect to find myself among them.

77.   If there was supposed to be teary sentiment or overtones of nostalgia over successful Sonic seasons past, you could not find it among the Sonics.

78.   If implants caused sclerosis, more women with implants would have been found among the group with the disease, the report suggested.

79.   I went there and found myself among crazies.

80.   If there is a way to get off the holiday treadmill of debt and materialism it may be found among those practicing the simplicity movement.

v. + among >>共 1202
be 11.60%
choose 3.22%
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fight 1.92%
live 1.86%
remain 1.63%
report 1.37%
grow 1.30%
find + p. >>共 136
with 15.60%
near 8.59%
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in 3.51%
during 3.37%
outside 3.14%
after 3.11%
as 2.58%
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