be among 73.07   Among them was a restaurant owner.
  choose among 20.28   How do you choose among them?
  find among 17.97   Her body was found among the dead.
  count among 15.01   Count me among them.
  consider among 14.15   Consider me among those guilty as charged.
  fight among 12.11   Such fights among fish in the ocean,
  live among 11.72   Aliens living among us?
  remain among 10.27   They remain among its largest investors.
  report among 8.62   Police were reported among the injured.
  grow among 8.16   It has also grown among Presbyterians.
  hide among 8.16   One man hid among bloodied corpses.
  know among 7.70   Passu is known among travelers for its trekking.
  occur among 7.70   Most cases of impotence occur among older men.
  scattered among 7.50   Menus were scattered among the rubble.
  say among 6.91   United news of India said among the deceased was a woman.
  include among 6.78   Included among the no-hopers is Mohammed Sillah.
  list among 6.71   Among the items listed for sale?
  stand among 6.52   I saw him standing among a group of students.
  exist among 6.32   An old joke exists among South Carolinians.
  break_out among 6.06   Heavy fighting breaks out among factions.
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