61.   Luciano Querzoni, president of the region of Emilia-Romagna, declared that the province would take legal steps against the decision and that justice still has to be done.

62.   He remained a member of the EP and president of the regional council of his native Auvergne.

63.   The government accused the PDC of electoral manoeuvring to ensure that its candidate became president of the Assembly.

64.   Pineda Robles was named as the new president of the Bank of Guatemala to replace Lizardo Sosa Lpez.

65.   In the event of the presidency falling vacant, the president of the National Assembly is automatic successor as head of state.

66.   Five days later President George Bush nominated Lamar Alexander, a former Governor of Tennessee and the current president of the University of Tennessee, to succeed him.

67.   Mandela and the president of the Pan Africanist Congress, Clarence Makwetu, attended.

68.   The president of the Pan-Africanist Congress, Clarence Makwetu, said that the proposals were nothing more than the dressing up of land apartheid in new clothes.

69.   Hou Jie, Vice-Minister of Water Resources, and Huang Zhendong, president of the State Communications Investment Corp., were named as their respective replacements.

70.   The talks were presided over by the president of the National Reconciliation Commission, Mgr Rodolfo Quezada Toruo.

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