61.   The readings will take place at various locations downtown.

62.   The second crop was of underwood and coppice, with felling taking place at intervals of seven years or so.

63.   The story takes place at an unspecified date but clearly in the years immediately before the First World War.

64.   The system is inequitable, because it makes it possible for rich people to buy a place at university.

65.   Then the war heroes came back home and bumped Lucky out ofhis place at the livery.

66.   There is one specific place at which the two lines cross.

67.   There is stiff competition for places at the best universities.

68.   There was an empty place at the bottom of the table.

69.   These changes are taking place at regional level.

n. + at >>共 1572
official 1.86%
student 0.82%
shot 0.80%
game 0.70%
day 0.67%
place 0.64%
job 0.63%
worker 0.61%
year 0.56%
professor 0.56%
place + p. >>共 93
in 37.04%
for 11.31%
on 8.38%
at 6.75%
like 4.73%
with 4.51%
to 3.11%
by 2.20%
as 2.15%
after 1.42%
每页显示:    共 1925