61.   He has since recanted the statement, which is inadmissible in court since it was not made under oath.

62.   He has since recanted that confession, which was not made under oath, and his lawyer says that Saeed had been tortured and his family threatened.

63.   He later withdrew that statement, which will not be admissible in this trial because it was not made under oath.

64.   He claimed the admission was made under duress.

65.   He refused to accept federal jurisdiction over various accusations made under state law against Seaton.

66.   He said that the payments would have to be made under an entitlement program, just as workers compensation payments are made.

67.   He has since recanted that confession, which was not made under oath, and his lawyer said that Saeed had been tortured and his family threatened.

68.   He said the Pentagon had not made clear under what authority it was holding Hamdi.

69.   He told a Mexican judge in early October that he had been abducted by the military and that his first statements were made under extreme duress.

70.   Here, Krasner returned to her artistic beginnings, cutting up figurative charcoal drawings made under the tutelage of Hans Hofmann and creating collages on linen and canvas.

v. + under >>共 914
remain 6.49%
operate 3.74%
work 2.61%
live 2.39%
bury 1.82%
be 1.46%
hide 1.44%
lie 1.44%
play 1.36%
sell 1.33%
make 1.32%
make + p. >>共 99
in 33.43%
on 13.39%
from 12.47%
at 6.79%
through 4.23%
about 2.90%
during 2.79%
as 2.16%
against 2.15%
by 1.91%
under 1.46%
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