61.   In the week before opening arguments, lawyers for McVeigh asked Matsch for a delay.

62.   It all began when the lawyers asked him, during jury selection, to state his feelings about smoking.

63.   Instead, a lawyer for Greineder asked that an estate lawyer recommended by a longtime friend and neighbor of Mabel Greineder take over as executor.

64.   Instead, the lawyers asked Folsom for more time.

65.   Its lawyers asked Rudolph in writing to modify his plans, though they could not yet insist on it legally.

66.   It was unclear whether she meant that her friend was killed, and lawyers did not ask her to elaborate.

67.   Judge Stephanie B. Manis of Fulton County Superior Court agreed, saying she would have granted a delay even if the defense lawyers had not asked for one.

68.   Justice lawyers asked a federal judge last month to force NASD to turn over documents subpoenaed as part of the probe.

69.   Justice lawyers have asked Judges Baskir and Roberts to dismiss both cases.

70.   Justice Department lawyers asked for a one-week delay in the hearing, but Illston refused.

n. + ask >>共 890
government 4.03%
reporter 3.64%
official 3.55%
people 2.89%
prosecutor 2.65%
company 1.99%
police 1.79%
lawyer 1.58%
group 1.55%
authority 1.36%
lawyer + v. >>共 494
say 29.39%
be 5.86%
argue 4.28%
have 2.27%
ask 2.05%
tell 1.51%
file 1.30%
try 1.13%
represent 1.13%
contend 1.06%
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