61.   The kid likes college football.

62.   The kids like it all as long as it has beats.

63.   The kids like it.

64.   The kids like learning.

65.   The kids will like the scary parts, as a boy is turned into a mouse, and he and his grandmother must outwit the title characters.

66.   The kids like the tradition here and want it to continue.

67.   The kids liked the idea of playing on the roof, peeking through light wells down into rooms.

68.   The kids particularly liked the four-disc CD player.

69.   The kids would like it or even make it, maybe.

70.   The new kid might have liked to hear about it, but he was too busy trying to stay alive on the mound.

n. + like >>共 1687
people 8.05%
sound 6.14%
look 2.36%
investor 1.79%
company 1.79%
thing 1.39%
player 1.37%
panelist 1.37%
fan 1.23%
team 1.19%
kid 1.04%
kid + v. >>共 967
be 17.45%
have 6.18%
get 4.02%
go 3.16%
play 2.81%
do 2.50%
want 2.22%
come 2.05%
love 2.03%
need 1.53%
like 1.06%
每页显示:    共 82