1.   Does this sound like the rational act of the most intelligent species on the planet?

2.   Oh, wow, now that sounds like fun.

3.   Sounds like a great idea to me.

4.   Sounds like a memory for phone numbers to me.

5.   Sounds like an aphorism from some ancient sage, and so it is.

6.   Sounds like dangling that ole lawsuit bugaboo.

7.   Sounds like sour grapes to me.

8.   At first blush, this sounds like good news.

9.   If this sounds like your idea of fun and you would like information on joining in or even booking the Society, please contact me for details.

n. + like >>共 1687
people 8.05%
sound 6.14%
look 2.36%
investor 1.79%
company 1.79%
thing 1.39%
player 1.37%
panelist 1.37%
fan 1.23%
team 1.19%
sound + v. >>共 374
be 35.15%
like 21.07%
come 5.72%
have 1.21%
seem 1.04%
fill 1.00%
echo 0.95%
become 0.91%
make 0.87%
travel 0.69%
每页显示:    共 483