61.   This scenario...Aided by daytime heating and mountain influences would yield scattered to numerous showers and isolated thunderstorms across much of the island.

62.   When combined with daytime heating, the sea breeze, terrain effects and available moisture, this should again lead to an active afternoon across Puerto Rico.

a. + heating >>共 80
daytime 22.06%
uneven 11.03%
diurnal 7.12%
solar 7.12%
afternoon 5.34%
domestic 3.20%
home 2.85%
strong 2.14%
maximum 1.78%
surface 1.78%
daytime + n. >>共 294
heating 7.52%
television 5.34%
temperature 4.73%
hour 3.16%
show 2.79%
programming 2.18%
telephone 1.94%
drama 1.70%
phone 1.70%
soap 1.58%
每页显示:    共 62