61.   Although opposition parties are banned, opposition candidates will be able to run as independents.

62.   Analysts say he may now be able to dissolve Parliament and ban political parties.

63.   Banning the party runs the risk of sending its members underground and making them even more militant, he said in Der Spiegel magazine.

64.   Because parties are now banned, trade unions have been spearheading the fight for political change.

65.   Bosnian Serbs say they will refuse to participate if the party is banned.

66.   But a recent decree allows it to ban any party that attempts to draw up an alternative constitution.

67.   But analysts say Suharto will have the authority to dissolve Parliament, ban political parties and take hard action against troublesome opponents.

68.   But a November referendum that banned parties based on religion has changed the official political landscape considerably.

69.   But if the party is banned, Serbs may refuse to cooperate and stall the peace process entirely.

70.   Buyoya had originally banned political parties and dissolved the parliament, but later restored them.

v. + party >>共 936
ban 3.88%
throw 3.22%
leave 3.22%
join 2.80%
have 2.36%
lead 2.22%
hold 2.09%
attend 2.05%
switch 1.88%
represent 1.63%
ban + n. >>共 776
import 4.55%
use 4.03%
sale 3.70%
party 2.59%
export 1.89%
demonstration 1.77%
weapon 1.57%
woman 1.44%
practice 1.36%
abortion 1.18%
每页显示:    共 261