61.   McLaren said his group took the Rowes captive after authorities arrested one of his followers Sunday morning for having two assault rifles in his van.

62.   Mayor Rosario Robles also called on authorities to arrest the owner of Lobohombo for negligent homicide.

63.   Media reports said authorities also arrested the two gangsters.

64.   Mexican authorities arrested Garcia Abrego at his ranch outside Matamoros in January.

65.   NHK said authorities will also arrest Dai-Ichi Kangyo Executive Managing Director Tateo Fukushima, who is also being questioned about his role in the loan scandal.

66.   Okinawan authorities arrested and briefly detained a suspect on assault charges.

67.   Pakistani authorities have arrested two additional suspects in the bombings of the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, senior Pakistani officials said Tuesday.

68.   RUSSIAN EXECUTIVE ARRESTED French authorities arrested a Russian businessman Mikhail Zhivilo at the request of the Russian government.

69.   She was in the Bosnian town of Banja Luka, demanding that Bosnian Serb authorities arrest Radovan Karadzic, the fugitive wartime leader who has been indicted for genocide.

70.   Shortly after the killing of the Italian officer, the Taliban authorities arrested two Pakistanis and charged them, he said.

n. + arrest >>共 272
police 60.01%
authority 10.07%
agent 3.19%
force 3.10%
troop 2.15%
officer 1.89%
prosecutor 1.80%
official 1.59%
government 1.56%
soldier 1.41%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
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