51.   Weather permitting, it could be an exciting final day.

52.   Weather permitting, Slay flies over the Georgia-Florida coastal waters every day during calving season, which runs from December through March.

53.   Weather permitting, the soil is plowed routinely to make it easier to sift through.

54.   We agreed I would come up with a destination by the time we left on the following Saturday, weather permitting.

55.   We shall go to church when the weather permits.

56.   Weather permitting, the big boys should be back.

57.   Weather permitting, they shuttle up and down in packs.

58.   When the weather permitted, the only interior fire was for cooking and the windows were finally opened.

59.   When weather permitted, military helicopters carried wreckage and bodies back to the mainland.

60.   Workers will then start taking the lights down, a project that will be completed in March, weather permitting.

n. + permit >>共 529
law 12.86%
weather 7.03%
government 4.26%
rule 3.83%
condition 2.20%
state 2.06%
time 2.06%
bill 2.01%
court 1.87%
authority 1.67%
weather + v. >>共 516
be 26.62%
turn 2.76%
force 2.58%
continue 2.53%
permit 2.42%
cover 2.37%
improve 1.83%
make 1.81%
prevent 1.76%
persist 1.68%
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